I am a mission-driven graphic designer and marketer in Everett, Washington. I currently reside at WBEC Pacific developing event collateral, social media, and their new website. Previously, I worked at HopeWorks Social Enterprises, designing creative collateral and overseeing various marketing channels for multiple small businesses. I additionally worked at Fluid Motion (Ranger Tugs & Cutwater Boats), Angel Of The Winds Casino Resort, EWU Eagle Store, and the EWU design lab.

Otter Space Typeface

A monospace typeface I started in 2021 inspired by a project at Fluid Motion. This project was put on hold near completion after I started working at HopeWorks, and finished in 2023. It was inspired by various sci-fi influences such as Star Trek and Mass Effect. I imagine it most prominently being used sparingly, such as the typeface for the name of spaceships on their exteriors.

Dude Cinema Podcast Ratings Fansite

A fansite I made for the Dude Cinema Podcast, where two Australian comedians rate stereotypical film recommendations from men. The website was created from scratch HTML and CSS with some minor Javascript elements. I began listening in Summer of 2020, and the podcast concluded in the Fall of 2023 and was succeeded by the podcast Screen Queens. Screenshots are taken from the desktop, tablet, and mobile versions.

Seattle Pedaling Relief Project Website

This project was built using scratch HTML and CSS over the summer between my employment at Angel Of The Winds and Fluid Motion in 2020. The screenshots represent the color scheme when the site was launched in June 2020. I continued to provide support for the first 3 months after launch until September 2020. Screenshots are from the desktop and mobile version.

Data Visualization - The Rocky Planets

This was a project I crafted in one of my Motion Design classes in college, and earned me a few sensible chuckles during review. Originally, the vision included all eight planets and more general facts such as diameter, temperature, and number of moons. The final version was trimmed down to just the inner planets and one or two fun facts about each to help fit the time frame.

Fight Club and the Origin of the Term "Snowflake"

A project from one of my general Graphic Design classes in college. The goal was to make a complex, double-sided zine that had multiple purposes, and convey a subject matter one cared about. I chose to focus on the story of Fight Club, primarily the film, and the hypocrisy behind how it has been appropriated by right-wing figures who don't are to see the subtext and text itself reflect the opposite of how it is utilized. Below are the final cover and unfolded pages.

Below is the reverse side, which folded out into a stylized poster, along with the interior layout and print files for a band that held the zine together.

Below are photos of printed versions showcasing the cover and reverse side, along with a page of the interior. A last-minute printing error resulted in white spots on the blue ink, but they worked in favor of the piece since they matched the snow theme.

Town & Country Markets

Hello! These projects have been hand-selected based upon your listing's job requirements and my applicability. Please feel free to browse more of my online portfolio by selecting the Home button at the bottom of the page.

WBEC Pacific Website Redesign + Additional Website Work

I am currently in the process of rebuilding the WBEC Pacific website from the ground up using WordPress. If you would like to see a work-in-progress build, please contact me via my application. I also have experience with refining the websites of HopeWorks, each of their four social enterprises, and Fluid Motion's websites for Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats. An overarching goal was to increase mobile usage and accessibility for disabled users. I also oversaw the Angel Of The Winds Casino Resort website, have built several informational websites from scratch HTML + CSS for my own use.

Kindred Kitchen Cafe + Catering Menus

Quadfold brochures for Kindred Kitchen's cafe and catering businesses.

Riverside Buffet Screen Items

Sample screens from the touchscreen menu at Riverside Buffet, along with a group of animated vertical video that played on large screens above the entrance, highlighting the menu of the day. Unfortunately, Riverside Buffet had to close permanently due to the effects of COVID-19.

Kris Kringle Coffee & Cookies

Limited-time beer at 210 Brewing CO. Original art + 5 resizes.

Katie's Kitchen Pulled Pork Sandwich

One of the half-dozen or so pieces I did for monthly Katie's Kitchen specials. Original art + 13 resizes.

HopeWorks Social Enterprises Holiday Cards

Set of blank holiday cards sent to prominent donors, featuring HopeWorks, each social enterprise, and trainee stories.

Women's Business Enterprise Council Pacific

Women's Business Enterprise Council Pacific (WBEC Pacific) is one of 14 regional partner organizations of WBENC, the leading and most trusted certifying body of women-owned businesses in the United States.

WBEC Pacific Website Redesign

I am currently in the process of rebuilding the WBEC Pacific website from the ground up using WordPress. If I have submitted a job application and you would like to see a work-in-progress build, please contact me via my application.

IDEATION 2024 Assets

IDEATION is WBEC Pacific's annual technology conference, with 2024's theme all about AI. I was responsible for designing an informational website that was usable on the day of for mobile conference attendees. Below are a gathering of social media posts promoting workshops and events, followed by the IDEATION 2024 website, flyers (8.5" x 11"), and posters (22" x 28").

WBEC Pacific Brochure

Overview brochure for tabling events WBEC Pacific participates at, in addition to handing out at WBEC Pacific events for attendees not affiliated with WBEC Pacific or WBENC.

WBEC Pacific Tabling Items

In addition to the brochure, I also designed various fixtures for tabling events, such as the stand-up flyers (8.5" x 11"). More items will be added here soon.

WBEC Pacific Business Cards

Custom business cards with links to online landing pages for prominent staff members, including a downloadable contact file for phones.


HopeWorks owns and operates four local social enterprises, each housing a job training program for those in Snohomish County experiencing barriers to employment.

HopeWorks Print Advertising

Sampling of print advertising for HopeWorks and various social enterprises in local Snohomish County publications. Certain enterprises were prioritized over others in reflection of business demand.

HopeWorks Overview Brochure + Flyer

Trifold brochure diving into the HopeWorks training model and each of the four enterprises under the HW umbrella.

HopeWorks EV Charging Brochure

Trifold brochure promoting the expansion of the EV chargers adjacent to two of the social enterprises at HopeWorks.

HopeWorks Business Cards

Custom business cards with links to online landing pages for each arm of the organization and prominent staff members, including a downloadable contact file for phones.

HopeWorks Internal TV Loop

Seasonal TV loop for that played between slides on internal TVs inside HopeWorks admin offices, RENEW Home & Decor, and Kindred Kitchen. Winter sample is below; the other seasons swapped out background assets and images for each enterprise. Downscaled to 720p for portfolio file sizing.

HopeWorks Social Enterprises Holiday Cards

Set of blank holiday cards sent to prominent donors, featuring HopeWorks, each social enterprise, and trainee stories.

HopeWorks Social Enterprises

HopeWorks owns and operates four local social enterprises in the Everett, WA area: Ground Works Landscaping, Kindred Kitchen Cafe & Catering, RENEW Home & Decor, and Tomorrow's Hope Child Development Center.

Ground Works Flower Arrangements

Flyers and TV slides for floral arrangements through Ground Works. This was a branch of business development to diversify Ground Works' portfolio and rely less on seasonal work.

Kindred Kitchen Cafe + Catering Menus

Quadfold brochures for Kindred Kitchen's cafe and catering businesses.

RENEW Home & Decor Items

Trifold brochure, flyer, and potting soil label for RENEW after they began selling houseplants.

Tomorrow's Hope Flyers + Certificate

Flyers for Tomorrow's Hope expansions into Smokey Point and Monroe, along with promoting their job training program. The graduation certificate was a fun project made for the kids graduating from Pre-K.

Fluid Motion, LLC

Fluid Motion is the parent organization of Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats, two manufacturing brands of cruisers.

Ranger Tugs Print Advertising

A collection of my favorite advertisements for Ranger Tugs. While employed, I created 26 print/magazine advertisements for the brand.

Cutwater Boats Print Advertising

A collection of my favorite advertisements for Cutwater Boats. While employed, I created 30 print/magazine advertisements for the brand.

Ranger Tugs Features and Specs Sheets

Detailed features and specification sheets for all nine of the Ranger Tugs models. These were double sided, folded 11x17" informational material with a plethora of visual and technical information. Three examples are below.

Cutwater Boats Features and Specs Sheets

Detailed features and specification sheets for all eleven of the Cutwater Boats models, including two that debuted while I was employed. These were double sided, folded 11x17" informational material with a plethora of visual and technical information. Four examples are below, including a smaller version for the C-248C, the newer debut model.

2022 Seattle Boat Show Materials

Model lineup posters for Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats (33" x 83").

Sample posts for models not present at the show (36" x 24"). These are reworkings of the features and spec sheets in a larger format.

Sample banner signs for the eight boats present at the show (16" x 48", front & back per model).

New model debut posters for the two new Cutwater Boats (22" x 28").

Handouts for the brands' signature Factory Delivery Experience (8.5" x 11").

The Ranger Tugs Journal and Cutwater Logbook - 2020 & 2021

Blog posts written & formatted for the Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats websites. Content was largely shared between the two sites, with format, imagery, and proper nouns switched.

Includes all content in the search results in each link, excluding posts in "The Ranger Tug Life", "The Cutwater Life", "Cruising with Pets", and "Rig Rundown" categories.

Angel Of The Winds Casino Resort

Angel Of The Winds is the Stillaguamish Tribe's casino located near Arlington, WA.

Exit 210 Billboard

A fun project I got to see every day as I drove in. This billboard was particularly important as the casino is a couple of miles off the interstate.

Elevator Door Wraps

Door art for the elevators in the garage lobbies.

Katie's Kitchen Pulled Pork Sandwich

One of the half-dozen or so pieces I did for monthly Katie's Kitchen specials. Original art + 13 resizes.

Lunar New Year Concert

Original art + 37 resizes.

Table Games Touchscreen

Touchscreen located at Table Games displaying How to Play rules + a map of the tables. Screens are navigated to via the column of buttons on the left. 5 screens shown; 15 screens total. The last image is a preview of every touchpoint connection created for the screen to function correctly.

Phil Vassar & Lonestar Holiday Hits

Original art sans band logo + 62 resizes.

Riverside Buffet Screen Items

Sample screens from the touchscreen menu at Riverside Buffet, along with a group of animated vertical video that played on large screens above the entrance, highlighting the menu of the day. Unfortunately, Riverside Buffet had to close permanently due to the effects of COVID-19.

Kris Kringle Coffee & Cookies

Limited-time beer at 210 Brewing CO. Original art + 5 resizes.

Strikerz Rake Arms

A fun and unique project. Assisted our copywriter with brainstorming phrases to put on each of the rakes. Phrases were alternated with the logo version on the left.

Strikerz / All Things Sports Touchscreen

Samples of the three touchscreens on the Strikerz counter. Screens are navigated to via the column of buttons on the left. The HyperBowling screen displays a video explaining the functions of the game.

Monday Night Touchdown

Football tie-in promotion for September - December. Original art + 38 resizes.


Original art sans group logo + 43 resizes. Poster + animation made for internal TVs.

Hotel Door Hangers

New concept for door hangers for the hotel. This project was cancelled near completion, but the concepts were very well received by the creative team.

EWU Eagle Store

The EWU Eagle Store is the official merchandise and bookstore of Eastern Washington University. While I was interning, it was simply known as the EWU Bookstore.

EWU Notebooks

Final mockups and notebooks in the new store.

EWU Binders

Final mockups and binders in the new store.

Game Day Buttons

Final cards and poster (22"x28") used for campaign. The buttons were pinned over their images and handed out to Eagles Football home game attendees.

Eagle Store Coupons

Sample of the coupons from my time working at the EWU Eagle Store. These were often impromptu and were made for a variety of ages, groups, and sales.